Momsday Bunker

It’s something to hang your hat on! Momsday moments are those times when it feels like an atomic bomb has landed smack dab in the middle of your motherhood. Join host Keri Henson aka The Momsday Prepper as she invites moms into the Momsday Bunker as they share their stories of tragedy, survival, and hope. You will laugh, cry, and leave feeling prepared if and when the unthinkable happens to your child. So put on your sitting britches and pull up a chair, y’all.

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15 hours ago

She's as wild as a wild bronco! In this episode, Keri discussed the difference between "young and dumb" and "young and curious." Have you ever heard of a little reality show called 'Girls Gone Wild?' Listen to the hilarious story of when Keri found herself on 'Girls Gone Wild' while visiting her favorite city, New Orleans. 
Like the episode? Follow Keri on Facebook at Keri Momsday Prepper or Instagram at keri_henson_aka_momsdayprepper. Like, share, and follow! 

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Part two is all about the sweet Peace Lily of the family. After walking in the trenches of the judicial system, Story’s youngest daughter was hit by a car while walking with a group of friends near the neighborhood school. Now she is faced with yet another nightmare. Story talks about a black cloud hanging over her motherhood and it is so relatable! From understanding brain injuries, organ donations, burial expenses to  watching the beauty in the ashes unfold. Listen today and share Story’s words with the link today! 

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

A Rose, a Wildflower and a Peace Lily. Do you ever feel like a black cloud is following you on your motherhood journey? In part one, Story takes us through her journey with her first momsday moment. The first one involves her wildflower where they found themselves in the middle of gang violence. Abusive behavior from the police, a corrupt judicial system and unwilling public school district forced Story to change the trajectory of her motherhood. Then the unthinkable happened. Stay tuned for part two. 

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

No one can humble you more than your child! Remember moments when your precious baby said something truthful that made you stop in your tracks? Let’s talk about how the cure to a prideful heart is a momsday moment. Listen now, like, and share! 

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Giddy Up! Introducing Harry and Jay! Keri’s two oldest children join her in the studio to give a sibling's perspective during a momsday moment. They walked alongside their little brother, Super G, while he fought childhood cancer. After Hurricane Harvey, as a family, we rebuilt our home. They watched an eating disorder sweep through the family. The most recent momsday moment took the breath out of them. Harry and Jay held onto their brother Tank as he recovered from a critical pedestrian accent that almost took his life. Through all these momsday moments, they have shown incredible resilience, courage, and post traumatic growth! 

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Quick out of the shoot! Meet Aislinn! Motherhood began in the NICU where Aislinn found her inner mama bear, advocating for her baby, and learning to stand powerful in motherhood. After spending 60 days in the NICU, Aislinn and her husband took their sweet angel home and quickly became pregnant with their son. Believing that the worst was behind them they quickly discovered that their unborn baby had Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. With an unpredictable future, the undeniable reality of having a medically fragile infant, the looming questions of ‘why me,’ Aislinn finds her strength in her spirituality. Listen now to this incredibly strong mama bear! 

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Don’t eat supper before you say grace! Why are validations so important and do you have someone with the communication skills to sit with you through your momsday moment? If you don’t sit in it you won’t heal from it! As you build your community, place people beside you that are full of empathy, gentleness, and sincerity. Join me in a conversation about COMMUNITY, VALIDATION, and the POWER to take your motherhood back! 

Wednesday May 08, 2024

If I felt any better, I’d think it was a setup! Meet Coach Margaret with Third Chance Coaching. What is a life coach? Margaret walks us through what a life coaching session looks like (spoiler… coaching is NOT therapy!) the questions you need to ask yourself, intuitive listening, and validating! Margaret is an expert at catching the self-shame talk! Shaming is the gateway drug to a dysregulated nervous system. Looking in the mirror can sometimes be hard, especially amid a momsday moment, but a life coach can gently help you see through the looking glass. She started her journey as a certified life coach after a terrifying moment when she was robbed at gunpoint following an ATV accident. Margaret is on her third chance at life and she is ready to guide you on yours! 

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Two hoots and a holler away! After being told she would not be able to have children, Danielle became pregnant with her son Alexander. Dreaming big about being a boy mom, she quickly had to navigate the disillusionment of motherhood dreams while adapting to raising a neurodivergent child. Danielle talks about the different levels of the Autism Spectrum, treatments, therapies, and the undeniable importance of building a COMMUNITY. Momsday Moment number two was handed to her one week before recording. Her sweet baby girl was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. It is a fluid situation as second opinions, testing, and many conversations will be held. There is no mistake that Cajuns and Texans are neighbors! Danielle is one powerful, resilient, and passionate Cajun!

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

She can strut sitting down! Let’s talk about dreaming big. There are roadblocks in life that force you to adjust, adapt, and redirect your dreamer path. From divorce to the poor house to self-compassion, Keri talks about perspective. Dreams are just dreams until you make them into goals! If you could go back and tell your younger self what was in the future, would you? What dreams do you have for your children? Introducing our next guest Danielle —-> She talks about motherhood dreams that sometimes look different than the fairy tale you want. 


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