Momsday Bunker

It’s something to hang your hat on! Momsday moments are those times when it feels like an atomic bomb has landed smack dab in the middle of your motherhood. Join host Keri Henson aka The Momsday Prepper as she invites moms into the Momsday Bunker as they share their stories of tragedy, survival, and hope. You will laugh, cry, and leave feeling prepared if and when the unthinkable happens to your child. So put on your sitting britches and pull up a chair, y’all.

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Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

She’s a right smart windmill fixer! Meet Amy P, a fierce momma who has braved post traumatic GROWTH right alongside her husband and three sons. We talk about the nervous system, tolerance, loss and grief, mental health, shedding shame, and new beginnings. Learning how to navigate self-awareness while taking care of her mother through a devastating journey with dementia; Amy leans on her faith and grit to survive. Keri and Amy discuss rebuilding your spiritual and mental house while avoiding social media, momma guilt, and the ever awful comparison trap. This amazing momma has so much wisdom to bestow on the Momsday Bunker community. How has this podcast inspired you? By leaving a comment, review or sharing this episode with a fellow bunkmate you can spread some hope to. 

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly! What is doomsday or a SHTF event? Finding strength when SHTF hits in your motherhood is another level of TRUE strength. Don’t let your nervous system confuse strength with familiarity. Generational Motherhood will follow you until you become aware of it and consciously choose to change it! Keri also talks about first-time pregnancies, hemorrhoids, favorite dogs, postpartum depression, community, adoption and when our motherhood actually begins. Buckle up bunkmates —--> Introducing Amy P! 
Do you like the podcast? Can I ask you a BIG favor? Will you share this episode  with just one friend? Many kind regards, Keri. 

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Coffee so strong it’ll walk into your cup! You’ll never meet a stronger mom. Mardon fought hard for her Dino Jake as he battled Neuroblastoma; the dirtiest of childhood cancers. In this episode we talk about childhood cancer conspiracies, what it's like in those first few moments of diagnosis, and the end of the journey. Take care of yourself as you listen to Mardon’s story as she navigates the loss of a child under unimaginable circumstances while finding beauty in the ashes. Grab yourself a cup of coffee and join us today in the Momsday Bunker with Keri Henson!

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Company’s coming; add a cup of water to the soup!  As more bunkmates join us in the Momsday Bunker we learn about God winks, Galveston, jellyfish and the vastness of the ocean. Keri talks about the power of water, Hurricane Harvey and PREPAREDNESS! Get ready to Meet Mardon; my beautiful friend that has helped me build my ladder even during the ugly times of womanhood. The Momsday Prepper community continues to grow! 

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

She’s got plenty of arrows in her quiver! Meet Petra, a mom in the midst of her momsday moment! Her sweet Anna started having seizures at age 14, and thus began the bronco ride that has lasted longer than eight seconds. From epilepsy to a functional neurological disorder diagnosis then onto AMPS, and finally Dysautonomia. Living their lives from one doctor’s office to the next Petra has one of the most positive outlooks you could ask for! Listen now to how one mom is preserving on the journey to healing and hope. 

Teenagers are My People!

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Don’t dig up more snakes than you can kill! Mommy guilt, teenagers and SURRENDER are the big themes in this episode! So many different cultures remind us to surrender the pain, surrender the control, surrender to expectations. That thing that is holding you back in motherhood is the thing you are holding onto. Keri talks about letting it go in order to stay present in motherhood. 

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Lord willing and the creek don’t rise! Meet Niambi. This fierce momma had to face her momsday moment in the midst of a global pandemic. She had to navigate planning a funeral for her child while holding her family up under extreme global upheaval.  After a journey of exploration, deep prayer, and healing, Niambi has declared authority over her grief. She recently took part in an inspirational anthology titled Covered by Scars: A Diamond Revealed by Raylonda McClinton. Check it out on Amazon!

Trauma is Keri's Middle Name

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

She’s got some snap in her garters! It isn’t about what happened to you, it’s about how your nervous system reacted to what happened to you. Trauma with a big T has long lasting effects on the mind, body and soul. In the past decade alone, Keri has lived through big T traumas like childhood cancer, natural disasters, spousal addiction, and her child's critical injuries resulting from a pedestrian versus motor vehicle accident.  Healing is one of the Momsday Prepper PREPS! Healing is instrumental to surviving, then thriving, a momsday moment. Keri talks about CBT therapy, Yoga, Somatic Massage, Meditation, Tapping and EMDR. Welcome Bunkmates! 

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

The porch light is always burning! Camille and Keri have a conversation about listening to our bodies, our “mommy feelers” and our knowing. Motherhood has always been on the horizon for Camille. As she walks the bunk mates through what HELLP is and how she navigated through it, we get a story as inspiring as a West Texas sunset! HELLP, also known as Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelets, can be a life threatening syndrome developed during pregnancy. This results in premature births and many nights in a NICU. Join us now in the Momsday Bunker! 

Two Most Important Days

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

As long as a country mile! Keri talks about the two most important days in her life. Intertwined in motherhood, finding your purpose and keeping it at the forefront of your being, will keep you grounded during times of crisis. In this episode you will learn about HELLP and a little about what our next guest’s momsday moment was all about!


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